Unlawful occupation of a building and simplifying action against unlawful occupation: the next battle?

In the run-up to the vote on 24 November 2024, the newspapers are already announcing ‘The next battle on the housing front’[1]. But what is this next battle? The two issues concerning tenancy law put to the vote on 24 November have already been the subject of previous articles by the undersigned, who does not […]

La question de la sous-location fait de plus en plus parler d’elle. Elle a fait l’objet de discussions des chambres et l’Assemblée fédérale a adopté, le 29 septembre 2023, une modification de l’article 262 du Code des Obligations (CO) concernant la sous-location. Elle est de plus en plus fréquente en Suisse et notamment dans les […]
The rise in the mortgage reference rate is causing quite a stir and raising fears of rent increases

These increases may already have been sent to tenants at the end of June. But what’s really going on? As a reminder, “the reference interest rate has been established since September 2008 with a view to adjusting rents on the basis of changes in the mortgage rate“. It is based on the “average mortgage rate […]
The law of tenancy was again in the news at the beginning of this month with the following headline: “The National makes flowers to the owners in the law of tenancy”. But what is it realy ?
As a preliminary point, it should be recalled that, although the National Council has indeed accepted two projects aiming, according to some, to “toughen the law of tenancy“, these two objects must still be submitted to the Council of States for a decision. This has not yet been done and the two projects are therefore […]
Renting out your flat on an “Airbnb” type platform – Beware: it’s not that simple
Renting out one’s flat via an “airbnb” type platform is very popular and some people see it as a way to make money. But is it as simple as that in Switzerland and more particularly in the canton of Vaud? The answer for the moment is no. This is all the more the case as […]
Coronavirus and tenancy law
A new decision by a Zurich court “partially” admits a restaurant owner’s claim for a reduction of the rent due to the covid situation and the ordered closures of public establishments. One year ago, the undersigned presented a decision of 23 April 2021, also by a Zurich court, in proceedings for the release of the […]