Wilhelm Gilliéron Attorneys-at-Law Corp. : announcement

We are pleased to announce the partnership of Philippe Gilliéron in our firm as of July 1, 2020.

Philippe Gilliéron is a recognized specialist in intellectual property law, data protection and new technologies and teaches these branches at the Universities of Lausanne and Fribourg as an Associate Professor. Philippe Gilliéron will be in charge of the intellectual property, data protection and new technologies law department within our firm.

Sandra Gerber, who has been with the firm for more than ten years, heads our labour law and tenancy law practice, with an extensive practice in contract law and now works as Counsel at Wilhelm Gilliéron Avocats SA.

Our firm is taking on a new entrepreneurial dimension. Wilhelm Gilliéron Avocats SA confirms its position as the reference business law firm in the Lake Geneva region. Wilhelm Gilliéron Avocats SA is active in all areas of corporate law, serving entrepreneurs and their projects, both Swiss and foreign, as well as in civil and administrative procedural matters before the ordinary or arbitration courts. Wilhelm Gilliéron Avocats SA thus offers a wide range of legal services oriented towards the achievement of its clients’ objectives.

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Avocat à Lausanne en droit suisse des affaires - Avocat Lausanne