Léa Wyssbrod_NOBG

Léa Wyssbrod

Tenancy law
Labour law
Litigation in contract law
Contract law

+41 21 711 71 00


Léa Wyssbrod is a attorney-at-Law in our office. She practises in French, German, English and Italien. She completed her legal traineeship with the firm before joigning the firm as a lawyer once she had obtained her after passing her bar exam. Prior to that, she worked as a jurist at Axa-Arag.


Léa Wyssbrod practises in employment law, tenancy law, company law and contract law. She also practices before the courts.

Qualifications, training and professional experience

Since march 2024
Attorney-at-Law, Wilhelm Avocats SA
February 2024
Lawyer’s certificate
2022 - 2024
Trainee lawyer, Wilhelm Attorneys, Lausanne
Master of Law, Mentions «Magna cum laude» and «Litigation», University of Lausanne
Jurist, Axa-Arag, Lausanne
Bachelor of Law, University of Lausanne


English, French, German, Italian


Fédération suisse des avocats (FSA), Jeune barreau vaudois (JBVD), Jeune barreau vaudois (JBVD), Ordre des avocats vaudois (OAV)
Latest news from Léa Wyssbrod
Bail commercial et location de locaux dits « bruts »  tour d’horizon
Litigation in commercial law
Commercial leases and the letting of ‘bare’ premises: an overview
activité accessoire et activité salariée en droit suisse
Labour law
Is it possible to have a secondary activity in parallel with your salaried activity and what do you have to keep in mind ?
Seizing a debtor's assets in Switzerland while applying for the exequatur of a foreign judgment against the same debtor - a rapid and effective means available to creditors under Swiss law
Company law
Seizing a debtor's assets in Switzerland while applying for the exequatur of a foreign judgment against the same debtor - a rapid and effective means available to creditors under Swiss law