+41 21 711 71 00
Léa Wyssbrod is a attorney-at-Law in our office. She practises in French, German, English and Italien. She completed her legal traineeship with the firm before joigning the firm as a lawyer once she had obtained her after passing her bar exam. Prior to that, she worked as a jurist at Axa-Arag.
Léa Wyssbrod practises in employment law, tenancy law, company law and contract law. She also practices before the courts.
Our lawyers benefit from their perfect understanding of Swiss and international business law. They are highly responsive and work hard to find the best legal and practical solution to their clients’ cases. They have acquired years in international experience in business law. They speak several foreign languages and have access to correspondents all over the world.
Avenue de Rumine 13
PO Box
CH – 1001 Lausanne
+41 21 711 71 00
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